Four Reasons For Poor Office Productivity

Four Reasons For Poor Office Productivity
Four Reasons For Poor Office Productivity

Most office workers could be more productive. And the reason for the decrease in efficiency is by no means laziness (although she, too). Here are some of the most common reasons that prevent you from working quickly and efficiently in the office.

Four reasons for poor office productivity
Four reasons for poor office productivity

1. Social networks and personal emails. Yes, the social networks of some of us simply drag out - we want to watch the news, there you see that friends have posted new photos, then you remember that you have found a new game, etc. For such small activities, you do not notice how several hours pass. Some employers ask system administrators to restrict access to social networks, but it's better to do it yourself, because social networks are simply wasting our time pointlessly.

2. Hunger. Yes, the feeling of hunger greatly interferes with work, therefore, when leaving for work, do not forget about breakfast, even if you are on a strict diet, especially since breakfast helps the body wake up and get involved in the work process. In the afternoon, do not forget about lunch, although you should not choose the heaviest (fatty, too hearty) dishes.

3. Personal conversations with colleagues. Conversations between colleagues and their phone calls with personal questions are very distracting when you need to concentrate. If you do not have your own office, agree with colleagues to limit such conversations. Talk to your personal questions more quietly, and go out into the corridor to call.

4. Stuffiness. Lack of oxygen is known to cause drowsiness. And the reasons for the decrease in the amount of oxygen are overcrowding in the room, too much office equipment. The easiest and most effective way to deal with it is to ventilate. Remember to ventilate the room often, but do not create drafts, as they also do not contribute to well-being.
