10 Reasons To Free Yourself From Office Slavery

10 Reasons To Free Yourself From Office Slavery
10 Reasons To Free Yourself From Office Slavery

Table of contents:


Many people really want independence, but they are afraid to leave the framework of the usual office. The most often frightening thing is change and instability. There are 10 reasons why you should get out of office slavery.

10 reasons to free yourself from office slavery
10 reasons to free yourself from office slavery


Step 1

Freedom. There will never be absolute freedom, so you don't even need to dream about it. Even if you quit your job and you don’t have to get up every time and go to the office, you will not have a boss, you will still depend on clients or households. True, now you will have a choice: when, how much and how to work. After all, slavery can always be obtained for free, freedom must be earned.

Step 2

Money. When you start working for yourself, you will understand that profit works exclusively for you. If you work for someone, then you have no incentive and desire to work harder and better, because you are unlikely to be paid extra for it anyway.

Step 3

Working for yourself can help you spend more time with your family. If you wish, you can go on vacation not for two weeks as expected, but for a whole month or more. No amount of money can replace the time spent with children and family.

Step 4

Efficiency. The efficiency will be increased several times - this is guaranteed. Working for yourself, you will be able to discover new talents and abilities. Employees who work in the office now and then spend their time uselessly, and do not strive for self-development. They do their assigned piece of work every day, or pretend to do it.

Step 5

Dreams. Getting rid of office slavery, you get new opportunities and prospects for development. For example, if you dream of traveling, now it will be much easier to do.

Step 6

Self-sufficiency. Working for themselves, as a rule, people are doing exactly the job that they like, which brings satisfaction.

Step 7

Environment. Working in a team in an office, you are always among people. And not all of them are pleasant and benevolent. Working for yourself, you only have to get along with yourself. If you want to hire people who will work for you, you will independently choose your team.

Step 8

Joy. Working for yourself, you will realize that you are living, not surviving in the office. You will be filled with pride in what you do, that you are doing what you love.

Step 9

Responsibility. Now there is definitely no escape from responsibility. You will have to take responsibility for yourself, for your life, for your income, for everything that happens around you.

Step 10

Mood. You live paycheck to paycheck, weekend to weekend, vacation to vacation. You also experience constant stress: dissatisfaction with your superiors, morning traffic jams - all this gives you negative emotions. Now all the roads are open before you for new achievements, the conquest of new peaks. Therefore, emotions are much more pleasant.

Step 11

Of course, there are also disadvantages to such work. You will have to completely rebuild your thinking and work very hard at first. For some time you will work with practically no results, so you need to prepare for this both financially and morally. It will also be necessary to get used to instability, since there is profit today, but tomorrow it may not be. Some people consider the lack of communication a serious disadvantage. You will also have to become a very disciplined, organized person. Otherwise, you will not be able to succeed.
