A brilliant career is one of the top goals for many employees. However, not everyone succeeds in reaching the peaks. So that professional achievements are not long in coming, it is necessary at the very beginning of the path to clearly understand what determines success at work.

Step 1
Be professional in every little detail of your job. Do not allow negligence, bring any business to completion, be competent in any matter. Try to fill the existing gaps and improve your professionalism.
Step 2
Try to show loyalty to the company. For the management and, moreover, for the owners of the enterprise, this fact carries a special meaning. Maintain corporate ethics, actively participate in extra-work events, defend the honor of the brand, respect everything that has been created before you.
Step 3
Learn new things. Even if you are a strong and professional employee, you cannot stop at the same place. Almost every area of business is growing at a fast pace, and you should be aware of innovation. Keep track of the changes in your area. Try to learn innovations not only within your own specialization, but also to discover other directions for yourself.
Step 4
Try to build a good relationship with the management of the company. However, close friendship is not at all necessary. However, you need to get into the so-called "circle of trust" of the top management of the organization. In such conditions, a prestigious position, a promising project or a leading position, all other things being equal, will be offered to you.
Step 5
Work on your image. In this case, we are talking not only about appearance, although adherence to the dress code is also important. If your work involves even the slightest publicity, be sure to use it. Speeches at meetings and conferences, interviews with print media, participation in events: all this will allow management to consider you an employee who can adequately represent the company. This factor is one of the key factors for career growth.