The current level of production development implies increased responsibility of the company management for the life and health of employees. In the absence of trade unions, it is especially relevant to have a dedicated personnel service at enterprises. Each new employee must undergo a safety briefing and be certified based on the knowledge gained. An OSH information stand can be placed in the HR department or break room.

Step 1
Come up with a bright name for your booth. For example, "Security Fundamentals", "Company News", "Personnel Service Bulletin". The name should be noticeable and attract the attention of all members of the workforce.
Step 2
The material from which the stand is made should make it possible to timely replace information with a more relevant one. It is good to use a wooden base and hang information sheets with buttons. It is also convenient to use magnetic mounts on a metal sheet. Be sure to hang a fire extinguisher next to the booth.
Step 3
Divide your stand into several thematic sectors. In the most visible place, post the occupational safety instructions and a detailed diagram of the fire evacuation of employees. Information is also required from the personnel department on internal regulations, the correct execution of applications, and the provision of sick leave. Here you can also post orders for the company on the appointment and rewarding of employees. Allocate a place to congratulate the birthday people on their birthday and other joyful events in the life of the team. The warm attitude of the management to the staff always has a positive effect on labor productivity.
Step 4
Hang a first aid kit next to the stand with first aid supplies (bandages, plaster, scissors, iodine, rubber band) and the most necessary medications that you can take without a doctor's prescription. Install an electronic tonometer, which will enable the employee to measure the pressure on their own.
Step 5
Create a comfortable atmosphere in the rest room, put plants, armchairs, a sofa, a coffee machine, a cooler with water. Put on the table "Labor Code of the Russian Federation", the magazines "Labor Protection" and "Means of Protection" so that anyone can read these publications when the need arises.