Work experience is the most important part of your resume. And how you describe this experience depends on whether the employer will show interest in your resume. Therefore, the description of work experience should be given special attention. This will help you get a decent job.

Step 1
When filling out the column "work experience" in the resume, you must start from the last place of work, i.e. with the company in which you work now or from which you quit. If your work experience is more than 10 years, it is worth indicating only those places of work in which you worked for the last 10 years. In this case, the employer will not be interested in your first work experiences.
Step 2
The "work experience" section should look something like this:
Company XXX, 2005-2008.
Field of activity: provision of legal services.
Position: lawyer.
Responsibilities: development of standard forms of lease agreements, purchase and sale of real estate, consulting on real estate transactions, drafting legal opinions, due diligence.
Achievements, participation in large projects: work on the XXX project, participation as XXX, was responsible for XXX.
Step 3
From the above it follows that it is extremely important to describe the scope of the company and your actual job responsibilities. If you have had a lot of job responsibilities, describe the key ones. At the same time, focus on what is important for the employer to whom you are going to send your resume at the moment. The description of work experience must be "tailored" to the employer.
Step 4
Do not forget to indicate your achievements, participation in large projects (possibly known in your field). When describing such participation, it is necessary to briefly outline the essence of the project and indicate your role in it, list those areas for which you were responsible. Describe operational achievements, if any (for example, "increased product sales by 20% in a month").
Step 5
Remember that the resume should be short and very informative, as the HR manager often does not have time to go through the entire resume. Try with your description to focus the manager's attention on the most successful workplaces for yourself, i.e. at work in prestigious companies in which you were engaged in the most serious projects, gained experience that was important for this employer and rose in position.