There are many options for working with a daily payment - and working on the Internet, and washing glass containers, and providing cleaning services, and distributing flyers. Each has its own nuances.

Working with daily pay has certain benefits. The main one is wages every day. In addition, such work involves the ability to independently draw up a schedule convenient for yourself.
Posting ads, distributing leaflets
They don't pay very much for posting advertisements and distributing leaflets at the entrance to the metro or in shopping centers (400-700 rubles), but the work is not entirely difficult either. The salary is given every day, which is very beneficial for students and retirees, who are mainly engaged in this.
Bottle washing
Some beverage firms often hire people to wash bottles when hands are scarce. They pay well here (800-1200 rubles), but sometimes you have to work at night.
Going to wash the bottles, it's a good idea to have some patience, second pants and socks, as well as a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of juice. The work is simple, but very tedious, so you can have fun taking headphones and a player.
Work as an animator
It is not very easy to jump and run in the sometimes very heavy costumes of the animation team. Especially in the summer, in the heat. But this work is fun, children most often have to deal with, and they pay well for a shift (1000-2000 rubles). An animator can earn more, but for this he will have to go to the sea or to some resort. If you are sociable, resourceful, proactive, then this job is for you.
One-time cleaning services
House cleaning services are paid immediately after execution. After all, it is not so difficult to do the same work that you do at home (cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing, etc.), and even getting good money for it (1000-2000 rubles).
When you come home to a client, you need to behave politely, not poke your nose into other people's business and not ask unnecessary questions. If you like the owners, they will always resort to your services, and this is a good side job - once a week to work for wealthy and responsible people.
Copywriting exchanges
Some copywriting exchanges also provide for a daily withdrawal of earned funds. So the next day you can already get the money that was earned the day before. Of course, to work there, you need certain skills and abilities, especially in the field of writing articles, but if you want, you can learn everything. Such work with daily payment is one of the most comfortable, because you do not need to leave home to complete it. However, you need a computer and Internet access.