In connection with medical indications and other reasons, the employee has the right to ask the employer to transfer him to another place of work. It should not differ in territorial location from the current position, and the employee's labor function does not change. Such a transfer is called a transfer, which may be temporary.

- - employee documents;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - forms of the relevant documents;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - pen.
Step 1
If an employee wishes to transfer to another place of work in the same company, he should draw up an application in any form. In the header of the document, it is necessary to indicate the name of the organization, surname, initials, the position of the head of the enterprise in the dative case. He needs to enter his last name, first name, patronymic, job title, structural unit where he is registered in accordance with labor legislation. In the content of the document, the employee should express his request to transfer him to another position, structural unit. The specialist must indicate the reason for the need for the translation. It is advisable to attach a doctor's certificate to the application, if the reason was medical indications, or other supporting document. The employee must sign the application and the date it was written. After reviewing the document, the director of the company affixes, in case of his consent, a resolution containing the date, the signature of the head of the company.
Step 2
Make a supplementary agreement to the employment contract with this employee. Indicate the position to which the employee should be transferred, the amount of salary that is set for him, additional payments, if necessary. Enter the period for which you want to transfer the specialist, if the transfer is temporary. On the part of the employer, the director of the company has the right to sign the agreement, on the part of the employee - the transferred employee.
Step 3
Draw up an order in the form of T-5. Enter in it the last name, first name, the employee to be translated, the name of the position occupied by him, the structural unit. Give the document a number and date. Indicate the subject of the order that will correspond to the movement. Write down the reason why this should be done. Enter the position in accordance with the staffing table to which this specialist is being transferred. Certify the order with the seal of the organization, the signature of the first person of the enterprise. Familiarize the employee with the document against signature.
Step 4
In the event of a temporary transfer of an employee, an entry in the work book is not made. If the employer did not have suitable vacancies or the employee refused to transfer, then the employment contract with this specialist can be terminated under Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.