Even if you have a small enterprise, a close-knit team, where everyone is busy with their own business, sooner or later the question arises: "How to find personnel?" Perhaps a new job has been introduced or one of the employees decided to change jobs, went on a well-deserved rest … Get ready for the fact that you have serious work to recruit a new employee. And even the fact that there is a huge number of unclaimed workers on the labor market will not make it easier to solve your problem.

Step 1
Before you start looking for a new employee, clearly formulate all the necessary requirements for the candidate: education, age, work experience, availability of recommendations, professional skills, etc. In order to better understand what the new employee will do, draw up a draft job description.
Step 2
Having decided on the scope of work, start your search from your own enterprise. Think about whether it is possible to divide
responsibilities between specialists of the required profile already working at the enterprise. If the volume of work is such that the hiring of a new employee cannot be avoided, review the existing talent pool. It is possible that you have a specialist of the required profile. He may have already served in a vacant position during the temporary absence of the main employee. If his job suits you, making the necessary transfers, you will close the vacancy quickly and painlessly.
Step 3
You can find the right employee with the help of your employees. Having learned about the available vacancy, one of them may turn to you with a proposal: to hire his relative, friend or just an acquaintance who has sufficient work experience and specialized education. Do not dismiss such an offer immediately. There are advantages here: the applicant already has an idea of your enterprise (he will not be a stranger). And your employee, who offered him this position, takes on part of the responsibility for his future work.
Step 4
If a decision is made to hire a new employee from the outside, decide how you will notify applicants about the available vacancy. The options are:
- announcement in the media;
- an advertisement on the Internet;
- placing an order with a recruiting agency;
- contacting the regional Employment Center.
Step 5
Each of these options gives its own result. It is much more effective to entrust the selection of personnel to specialists - to contact a recruiting agency. However, it costs money (and a lot).
Step 6
If you decide to engage in recruiting yourself, get ready for a large volume of phone calls, reading all kinds of resumes, and a series of interviews. The result will probably please you - you will find a qualified, experienced specialist. If in doubt, take advantage of the appointment with a probationary period. This will insure yourself in the event of a mistake.