There is a huge number of people on the labor market who want to find or change jobs. The electronic databases of recruiting agencies are overflowing with resumes. However, it is still difficult to find the right employee who would meet all the requirements for a vacant position. To do this, you have to spend a lot of time reviewing the resume, conducting interviews, tests, etc. It is all the more offensive if the result of this work is zero. How to choose the right candidate from a large number of applicants for a vacant position?

Step 1
At the first, preliminary stage, select a resume that meets the necessary requirements according to their formal requirements (age, gender, education, professional skills, etc.). This work is performed by a HR specialist who cannot know all the intricacies of every profession. That is why already at the first steps there is an opportunity to make one of two gross mistakes: • admission to an interview of an unsuitable candidate (this is quite fixable, it will only take some time for the leader); • skipping a good specialist on formal grounds (this mistake can no longer be corrected). In order to protect yourself as much as possible from this, involve in the review the resume of middle managers, under whose supervision the future specialist will work. They are well aware of the specifics of work for a vacant position, they will be able to highlight the most important requirements for a candidate.
Step 2
After the resume is selected, invite candidates for an interview and drawing up a questionnaire to the head of the personnel department. At this stage, if there are a lot of candidates, it is permissible to organize a group interview. In addition to saving time for interviews, you can immediately see if the candidate is ready to work in a team, evaluate his public behavior. First of all, invite them to fill out the questionnaires. You can use typical questions, but it is better to rework its content for a specific position. It is very important that the answers from the questionnaire and the content of the resume do not contradict each other. Pay attention to how quickly the answers are given to the questions and whether they are fully disclosed, whether they are correctly written.
Step 3
When all resumes and questionnaires are collected, it is time to conduct interviews with candidates. In the course of an oral conversation, you need to determine which of the candidates can be admitted to an interview with the manager. Make a small table for yourself: for each candidate, fill in the columns "professionalism, work experience, activity, communication skills, etc." Mark them on a 5-point scale. After the interview, give the candidates their homework. For example, ask them, within 2 days, to send by e-mail to the address of the company a written justification why exactly his candidacy can be chosen.
Step 4
Now, having CVs of candidates, questionnaires, interview scores and results of “homework”, it will be easier for you to choose certain candidates.
Step 5
Submit the materials obtained as a result of your work to the manager, who will make the final choice after a personal interview. You just need to register a new employee for a vacant position.