Who Is A Graduate Student

Who Is A Graduate Student
Who Is A Graduate Student

Postgraduate student - a person studying in graduate school, preparing to defend a dissertation in order to obtain a Ph. D. degree. His duties also include research work at the department and passing scheduled exams.

Who is a graduate student?
Who is a graduate student?

Who can become a graduate student?

The word "graduate student" has a Latin origin, literally it translates as "a person striving for something." Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has a master's or specialist's qualifications, and also takes an active part in the development of science - writes and publishes articles, conducts research, attends conferences, symposia, etc., can become a postgraduate student.

Postgraduate students are trained by postgraduate studies at a university or research institution. Usually the number of places is limited, so the recruitment is carried out on a competitive basis - applicants take exams in their specialty and a foreign language. Also, when enrolling, the personal achievements of the competitor and the feedback from the teaching staff are taken into account.

What does a graduate student do?

As a rule, a graduate student writes a scientific dissertation under the supervision of a supervisor - a professor or doctor of sciences. He has a specific work schedule, which specifies the deadlines for passing the examinations for the candidate minimum, as well as the deadlines in which he must defend certain parts of the dissertation. In addition, the graduate student is obliged to participate in the life of the department for which he is assigned - to draw up manuals, take laboratory work from students, etc.

The term of study in postgraduate studies is 3 years in full-time and 4 years in correspondence. If in the future a graduate student plans to continue his scientific activity, during this period he undertakes to write a certain number of articles, one way or another related to the topic of the dissertation. An additional advantage will be their publication, as well as defense at the department or higher level.

Full-time graduate students receive a scholarship, and part-time students receive annual paid leave, 30 calendar days, and one day off per week for scientific studies.

What is the future of a graduate student?

After successfully defending a scientific dissertation, the graduate student becomes a candidate of sciences. Then he can continue his studies in doctoral studies, while teaching at the department. As a rule, initially practical classes predominate in its schedule, but over time, lectures also appear.

Postgraduate studies provide an excellent chance to acquire the necessary skills in conducting research work in the chosen direction - this is very important for a future teacher. If you do not want to continue your activity at the university, an academic degree will help you get into a higher-paying job and receive a wage bonus.
