Currently, kindergarten staff in large cities have quite decent wages. In addition, working in a preschool educational institution is attractive in that it has a number of advantages - food, long leave, benefits for enrolling a child. This attracts many, so there is now a demand for the position of assistant educator.

medical book
Step 1
You don't need a teacher education to get a job as a teacher's assistant. Of course, it is an advantage, but not a prerequisite for getting a job. A caregiver's assistant is, in fact, a nanny whose duties include cleaning the room, organizing meals, changing bed linen, etc. Therefore, people with secondary, incomplete higher or higher non-core education are hired.
Step 2
A prerequisite for employment as an assistant educator is the presence of a medical book. You can get it at the local polyclinic. To do this, you will need to go through the doctors on the list, as well as pass various tests. In addition, there are chronic diseases in which it is impossible to work as a teacher's assistant. These are tuberculosis, various psychiatric disorders, in some cases - heart disease. The exact list can be found at the district office of education.
Step 3
It is best to look for vacancies for an assistant educator at the local labor exchange. It is there that, first of all, job offers in state organizations flock. Many exchanges now have websites that post new vacancies several times a month. If there is no such site, then you will have to come to the inspector yourself and ask if there are any suggestions.
Step 4
Employees of the District Education Department are always aware of the needs of the surrounding kindergartens. Therefore, advertisements for the recruitment of caregiver assistants can be posted on the information boards of this organization. They can also be present on the site, if there is one.
Step 5
You can find out about vacancies by talking with the heads of preschool educational institutions. Often advertisements for vacancies are posted on the gates and fences of kindergartens.
Step 6
The easiest way to get a job is not the most popular kindergarten. The fact is that in elite kindergartens, or in those where classes are held according to new methods, mothers who dream of their children getting into this particular preschool educational institution are often arranged as teachers' assistants. There is usually no shortage of staff in such kindergartens.
Step 7
When applying for a job, you will need to bring a work and medical record. And before going to work for the first time - to pass additional tests of urine and feces, get the results in your hands, and bring them to the nurse or manager.