Russian Railways is almost the only company whose stability does not require confirmation. Therefore, many young people, wanting to get a good job and a decent income, seek to find a job in the Russian Railways system. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Step 1
Graduate from a college, technical school or university in one of the technical specialties (not necessarily related to the railway) and contact the personnel department of the depot of one of the cities where trains and teams of drivers are formed. It is not at all necessary for these cities to be regional. For example, in cities such as Orsk, Novokuznetsk or Ruzayevka, there are also similar depots.
Step 2
Before contacting the HR department, reconnoiter the situation and contact the depot directly, talk with its employees and managers to find out if you have a real prospect of working with them.
Step 3
If the HR department has nothing against you getting a job, get a referral to a railway hospital or clinic for examination. You will have to pay a certain amount of money for this examination, so keep the receipt, as if you are hired, this amount will be returned to you with your first salary. This will require your application and the original receipt. Please note: in order to get a positive medical opinion, you need to have one hundred percent vision and a satisfactory testimony from a psychologist.
Step 4
Only depot employees with the qualification “rolling stock locksmith” of at least grade 3 can apply for the position of an assistant driver. Therefore, after you have passed the medical examination, you will first be sent for an internship as a rolling stock locksmith apprentice (unless, of course, you are proficient in this specialty).
Step 5
Get this qualification rank and send an application to the HR department for admission to the group for training in a road technical school in the specialty "driver assistant". Receive a certificate of completion of the theoretical part of training at the Children's Theater School.
Step 6
You will learn the practical part directly at the depot. First, you have to undergo training as an assistant trainee (6 trips with an instructor), then pass exams in the specialty, labor protection and make an independent trip (without an instructor).