It is generally accepted that managing people is the prerogative of the authorities. It is the managers of all levels who determine the goals and objectives for the personnel. They decide who to encourage and who is blameworthy. But skilled and experienced workers often change this situation in their favor by successfully managing the behavior of their boss.

Step 1
Create a psychological profile of your boss. There are no exactly alike people, therefore, the approach to each person should be as different as possible. Observe a person in different situations to determine his character traits, interests, inclinations, habits and behaviors. This will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your boss.
Step 2
Be as predictable as possible when dealing with an authoritarian leader. Keep him informed of all matters related to your professional field. Find out in which areas the boss feels least confident, and then become an expert in this matter. This will allow you to earn a reputation as an irreplaceable employee and to some extent influence the decisions of the manager.
Step 3
Contrast the excessive competence of the leader with your desire to show initiative and boldly take on routine work. The boss, who is well versed in most production issues, is the most difficult to manage. To win his favor and influence his behavior, become an employee on whom he can fully rely. Be consistent in your actions and don't be afraid to honestly admit your mistakes. This tactic will remove criticism against you even before it occurs.
Step 4
Use links to superior authority to manage your boss. To get the head of a department to accept the point of view you need, it is enough to casually mention that this is the opinion of the head of the department who spoke at the meeting at the end of the year. If you try to present the solution you need with your find, this can cause criticism and rejection of even the most valuable idea.
Step 5
Sincerely express your respect for the real business and personal qualities of the leader. Every person, regardless of his status, needs moral encouragement and support. However, one should not stoop to blatant flattery. But if you really think that your boss is an unsurpassed master at something, then tell him so by choosing the appropriate situation. Be sure that the leader will appreciate the well-deserved compliment and will add these words to your asset.