"Stress-resistant, active, sociable, purposeful, easily trained, independent, executive." This list can be continued - it is well known to both job seekers and employers. This is precisely the problem - these epithets are more than expected, and if you want to get a good job, you need to come up with something new.

Step 1
Don't get carried away by praising yourself on your resume. Many, for example, write in a row - punctual, neat, executive. As a result, the resume template is overwhelmed by the reinforcement of the same quality - good internal organization. And it turns out that not a person is applying for a vacancy, but a kind of "cyber employee". But recruiters are well aware that there are not so many supermen, and such a resume raises doubts. As a result, a person creates the impression of a superficial unsubscribe author or a shameless liar.
Step 2
Make a short "About yourself" section, as employers often simply do not pay attention to the aforementioned template descriptions. In the end, a person's ability to work, sociability and responsibility are tested already during the trial period.
Step 3
Instead of laudatory epithets, give clear and specific descriptions of your job responsibilities that you have performed in previous jobs. For example, it is better for a sales manager to indicate personal specific achievements in his resume, for example, an increase in sales or an expansion of a client base than "personal qualities" copied from somewhere.
Step 4
Make sure that the qualities indicated on the resume are related to the vacancy for which you are applying. For mid-level positions, for example, leadership qualities or charisma are not required, and for a secretary's vacancy, communication skills and stress resistance are important.
Step 5
According to many recruiters, a much more important point for them in an applicant's resume is its structure, logic, details of the description of previous professional experience.
Step 6
But, in order not to leave the column "Personal qualities" empty (although some employers are considering this option as opposed to stereotyped), make a list of the qualities that are most often used in job advertisements. Then ask your loved one to choose from them what is inherent in you. Leave 3-5 qualities, no more, and include them in your resume. In this case, you will avoid the risk of "piling up nonsense", the so-called - "oil of oil" and will not mislead a potential employer. Let the portrait turn out to be not very bright, but it will be natural, and naturalness is always valuable.