All drivers try to avoid road accidents, but this is not always possible. If an accident does occur, you need to draw up several documents that will help you achieve insurance payments in the future.

Step 1
First of all, you, together with the traffic police inspector, will have to draw up a document in the form "F-748" "Certificate of a road traffic accident". In this document, you must indicate all your personal data, information about the vehicle and its owner (if you are not). Also, this certificate should reflect the number of your OSAGO policy and the name of the insurance company.
Step 2
The original of the certificate remains with the traffic police inspector, but you will receive a copy. Some departments of the traffic police, instead of a copy of the certificate in the form "F-748", issue a certificate "F-12", which can also be used as a primary document. In some regions "F-12" still has legislative force.
Step 3
In order to open a payment case in the company where the vehicle is insured, you will have to provide an order in the case of an administrative offense and the corresponding protocol. These documents are drawn up already in the traffic police, they record information about the essence of the violation and the administrative punishment that was imposed on the culprit. If a fine for violation of traffic rules is not provided in your situation, you can get your hands on a "Decision on refusal to initiate an administrative offense case."
Step 4
If you and all other participants in the accident agree with the legal assessment of the incident, all documents will be handed over immediately after the registration of the incident. Be sure to check the information provided in the papers issued to you for errors, especially pay attention to the indicated damage to your vehicle, this will play a huge role in the registration of insurance payments.
Step 5
Another document that you need to issue is an accident notification. It will need to be filled out together with the second participant in the accident, but if several drivers participated in the accident at once, it is necessary to form a separate notification form with each of them. This document contains information about the car, its driver and owner, as well as the number of the OSAGO policy and the name of the insurance company.