Product description is one of the most important elements of commodity science, which can directly affect the level of sales. Regardless of the purpose, a high-quality and competent description of any product will increase the competitiveness of your business.

- - technical documentation;
- - additional expertise;
- - product photo.
Step 1
Collect all available information about the product. These can be technical characteristics, data from the product passport, the results of laboratory tests, publications in the press. Analyze all the information, and try to highlight the most important, based on the purpose of your description.
Step 2
Do more research if necessary. For a new product, testing for consumers, a focus group, and tasting are recommended. To determine compliance with the standards, an examination of the product is required. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry or similar commercial structures will assist you in all kinds of assessments.
Step 3
Begin your direct product description with a concise and informative definition. Then outline its main organoleptic characteristics, composition. Dwell on the scope and methods of application in detail.
Step 4
In a highly competitive environment, it is advisable to include its main advantages in the product description. Focus on product strengths that similar products lack. Use a few succinct phrases to demonstrate why the buyer should choose this particular product. If you are applying for leadership, then you can indicate analogues, the comparison with which will clearly be in your favor.
Step 5
Attach a photo of the product from different angles. Photos should be of high quality, uniform in style and preferably colored. If you are describing a product for the Internet, the function of enlarging and viewing individual details is required.
Step 6
Indicate the expiration date of the product, as well as its availability in the warehouse. For some types of products, it is these factors that are paramount when making a purchasing decision.