Students who graduated from universities back in the days of the Soviet Union were sent to jobs according to distribution, which no longer exists today. Along with distribution, such a concept as a “young specialist” has ceased to exist in federal legislation, although it still occurs in some regional regulations.

Who was previously considered a young specialist
The state took care of the employment of graduates of universities and even secondary vocational schools - after graduation, they were sent to work in their specialty at enterprises and within 3 years after completing their full-time education they were considered young specialists.
This status gave certain benefits, for example, an enterprise to which a young specialist was assigned was obliged to provide him with housing. If the enterprise did not have a free housing stock or a hostel and young specialists were forced to rent housing, it was paid from work.
For several years now, the government of the Russian Federation has been talking about the need to at least partially return distribution and the status of "young specialist" to labor legislation.
Benefits for former students
In the new edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to the sphere of labor relations, the concept of “young specialist” is absent. But in some normative legal acts governing labor relations, there are definitions such as "young worker" and "young specialist".
The mention of recent graduates is found in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only in article 70, which stipulates a probationary period for hiring. It says that tests are not carried out for those who have received secondary vocational education or higher education in educational programs with state accreditation and for the first time come to work in their specialty within one year from the date of obtaining a professional education of the corresponding level. Thus, this definition can be considered official for those who are “young workers” or “young professionals”.
According to it, in order to become a member of some regional programs that support these categories of workers, and receive the benefits provided for them, you must meet the following criteria:
- have a diploma of education issued by a higher educational institution that has state accreditation;
- to start working for the first time in the specialty received at the university;
- get this job within a year after graduation.
Benefits provided for graduates of pedagogical and medical universities, due to the lack of specialists, exist in many regions of the Russian Federation.
In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which such programs operate, additional requirements and criteria may be provided that contain labor law norms and apply only to employees of a particular industry.