How To Prepare For Negotiations

How To Prepare For Negotiations
How To Prepare For Negotiations

Table of contents:


The process of preparing for negotiations consists of two components: organizational measures and substantive preparation. These components are closely interrelated, and the success of the negotiations depends on how carefully they are worked out.

How to prepare for negotiations
How to prepare for negotiations


Step 1

Organizational preparation means determining the place and time of negotiations, as well as the composition and leader of the delegation. If you are planning to negotiate for investing in your company, then appoint a meeting place on your territory. The investor needs to be convinced of the success of your organization and determine how profitable it is for him to invest his funds in your projects. In this case, include the CFO, project managers and other key people as necessary for the situation in the composition of the negotiators.

Step 2

Don't schedule important talks on Monday morning or Friday night. The beginning and end of the work week is usually an eventful time. The best time is the first half of the day in the middle of the week. Do not forget to check with the other party on what day and time he intends to meet with you.

Step 3

Before negotiating, carefully analyze the problem with which you will go to the meeting. Define goals and objectives, options for the desired result. If you are planning negotiations as part of a delegation, distribute tasks for each in advance among yourself. Prepare step-by-step instructions for each negotiator on your side.

Step 4

In addition, prepare documents and visuals that you may need during the negotiation process. Hand them over to the other side and allow time to study.

Step 5

Formulate suggestions and arguments. Define your negotiating position and work through possible objections.

Step 6

Prepare yourself for negotiations mentally, set yourself up for friendly and open communication. During the conversation, formulate the questions in such a way that the interlocutor answers positively. A negative answer "no", even if it was received in response to a neutral question, subconsciously tunes in to active opposition. Start a conversation with a discussion of the weather, as a rule, opinions on this matter coincide.
