Senior executives, top managers, also happen to look for work. But the peculiarities of employment of this professional position imply confidentiality, so you should not post your resume on the pages of printed publications or in the public domain on the Internet. You can find a job for a top manager through a special ES-company.

Step 1
Staffing companies, positioning themselves as ES (Executive Search), specialize in the selection of senior executives and operate under strict confidentiality. This is due to the fact that the circle of such managers is rather narrow and open information that one of them is looking for a job can damage the reputation of the company in which he works. In addition, it is not known how an employer will react when they see your advertisements in the newspaper. Therefore, find such a company operating in your city, contact it directly or via the Internet. You can contact any similar company online, even if it is not located in your region.
Step 2
Act pointwise, analyze the market for such recruiting agencies and choose the one that has the appropriate specialization, send your resume. Duplicating your resume and posting it to multiple agencies can reduce the chances of getting an interesting offer. Once your resume hits the ES company database, your candidacy will be "remembered" by employers.
Step 3
In turn, the recruiting company, through a consultant, may contact you with a request to recommend someone from the familiar professionals. Do not miss this opportunity to solidify business relationships with the company's consultants, it will increase your chances of getting better deals.
Step 4
Job search for a top manager is a rather lengthy process. You should expect it to last from one to several months. If you are not sure that information will not be leaked, inform the company's management that you intend to find another job. This will preserve your business reputation.