Some people take decades to achieve significant success in the professional field, while others conquer the top of the career ladder much faster. If you want to become a top manager, you need to know which path to the goal is the shortest.

Step 1
Of course, to become a top manager, you need to have a higher education. And it is desirable to have two of them: one - in your profession, the second - in the management of personnel and organizations. You can enroll in a second institution of higher education while you are working. It is important to work in your specialty after the first institute, university or academy. Then you will have a better chance of becoming a top manager.
Step 2
Otherwise, you risk getting stuck on the career horizon. This means that a person changes one area after another, gets related positions, but does not grow up. This development is not bad for people with diverse interests and wanting to expand their professional field. But if you are aiming for a leadership position and do not want to spend several decades getting it, you should narrow down your specialization and work for promotion.
Step 3
If you do not want to reduce the choice of companies in which you could make a career, only to domestic companies, learn English. A good level of a foreign language will give you an edge over other candidates for a promising position in a European company. It will be great if you master not one, but two or more foreign languages. Remember, this will come in very handy for your career.
Step 4
Even if you graduated with honors from a prestigious higher education institution, you should not assume that employers will fight for you and immediately offer you a leadership position. No less, and sometimes even more, holders of honors degrees, companies appreciate those who already have work experience. Therefore, try to get a job in your specialty in the last courses of the institute part-time. It will not be easy to combine excellent study and work, but then you will be able to present not only a diploma, but also an entry in the work book. It is possible that the enterprise where you will work during your studies will invite you to a permanent job upon graduation from the university.
Step 5
Once you get your initial position in the firm, you need to prove yourself as much as possible. This can be done in different ways. Some employees are very executive, have a conscientious attitude to work and successfully cope with large volumes. Others demonstrate the ability to take responsibility, show initiative and creativity, they are in no hurry to complete the assigned task, but first think about how to simplify the process. Surely you have already figured out what type of employee can most likely count on a promotion. If you work hard, but are not ready to take on more than others, if you do not see the overall situation for the company in which you work, because you do not want to look beyond your responsibilities, you have little chance of breaking out into leaders.
Step 6
Remember, the top manager must look, speak, and behave accordingly. Therefore, it is better not to relax right away, but to improve your business skills, think about what things make up your wardrobe, and not spoil your working reputation.