The marketing slogan has long been known: "Advertising is the engine of sales". However, you can spend a lot of money and time on advertising and not achieve the desired result, since advertising will not be effective.

Step 1
In order for your advertising to be effective, first of all, you need to understand who it should be directed to, who your target audience is. Study the product carefully and introduce the potential buyer in as much detail as possible. What gender and age is he? What is his education and job specifics? Does he have a family? How big is it? Are there any children? Does he drive his own car or does he prefer public transport? What is his income, where does he buy food and necessities? What is the main motivation for this person to buy a product or service? What media does he prefer, where does he get the main information?
The more accurately you describe your target audience, the less budget you will have to allocate for advertising, moreover, it will be more effective.
Step 2
Next, move on to creating ads. Choose several means of communication, it can be a combination of television and the Internet, press and radio, outdoor advertising on billboards or in public transport, promotions. In order for your ad to be effective, you need to understand as accurately as possible what your client will pay attention to. Advertising must be motivated. Remember that the motivation for different groups of people is different, you need to find exactly yours.
Step 3
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising, you need to find out how the client learned about your company and the proposed product. You can organize your survey online, by phone, or in person. When buying, invite the buyer to fill out a questionnaire. As a rule, people are more willing to disclose any confidential information about themselves if they receive something in return. You can offer savings or bonus cards that give a discount on subsequent purchases, any related product or a ticket to the lottery draw. Your goal is to find out which of your advertisements works most effectively and to get contacts for subsequent long-term communication.