The effectiveness of an organization's activities directly depends on the effectiveness of each of its employees. In a small firm, each employee is in sight, it is easy to evaluate the results of his work. In a large company, it is much more difficult to assess personnel. By measuring the professionalism, performance and leadership competencies of employees, you will learn what needs to be improved to achieve better results; you will be able to see the professional potential of each employee and determine the area where his skills and abilities will be more effective. Personnel certification can be carried out by invited professionals, but you can also do it on your own.

Step 1
Determine the goal and the result that you want to achieve by evaluating the effectiveness. For example, improvement of the motivation system, personnel decisions, the need to train employees, professional development.
Step 2
Develop criteria for evaluating effectiveness, depending on the goals of the event and the specifics of the activity.
Step 3
Select tools and assessments. These can be tests, business simulations, questionnaires, interviews. A more complex assessment solution - the so-called. The Assessment center is recommended to be carried out with the assistance of professional consultants. None of the tools are 100% accurate. Therefore, many organizations use a combined rating system.
Step 4
Identify the performers - internal or invited. The services of third-party specialists are used not only because of the complexity of some assessment tools. It is easier for staff to relate to the assessment procedure if it is done by external consultants.
Step 5
Establish communication with staff. Explain what the assessment procedure is for and how it will be done. This is necessary so that employees understand that you are doing your best for the good of the entire organization and each of its employees individually. And they changed the possible negative attitude towards the upcoming certification.
Step 6
Provide feedback. Personnel assessment is a two-way process. Employees should be able to express their opinions and wishes.
Step 7
Carry out the certification procedure. Depending on the subjects of assessment and their functionality, assess personal characteristics, work process and performance. Descriptive indicators: age, gender, education and others. Analytical and evaluative indicators: individual performance, efficiency of implementation of plans, management tasks, professional and leadership competencies, loyalty, salary level and others.
Step 8
Analyze the information received and, based on the results of the assessment, take the necessary measures to improve the performance of personnel.