In order for a point of sale to bring maximum profit, you need to know how to correctly arrange goods. Then buyers can quickly find what they need and want to buy another product that seductively lies next to the desired thing.

Step 1
Arrange the goods neatly. In some stores, you can find a bunch of piled things, which does not add up to the store's reputation in the best way. After all, buyers will not delve into things in search of what they need, and such heaps of things look impartial. It is unpleasant to look at crumpled things, even with branded labels.
Step 2
Choose what you want to put on the display case - put the rest in the warehouse. With a small retail space, you shouldn't showcase an abundance of goods. It is better to put most of the goods in the warehouse, and leave only some models from several positions on the window, and if the buyer is interested in the product, then you can familiarize him with the rest of the assortment.
Step 3
Use the most important rule of laying out clothes - the most winning models should be displayed in the window, they should be hung just above eye level. Hang models of skirts and pants at the waist level, do not neglect this rule.
Step 4
Before putting your clothes on the shelves, make sure they are not wrinkled and clean. Otherwise, buyers may develop a negative opinion about the store and they will go to a competitor for goods.
Step 5
Clean up your store and keep it clean. Perfect cleanliness is the key to success. It will be pleasant to enter your store, clothes will be measured without fear of getting dirty. Cleanliness will increase your sales.
Step 6
Fill in the labels correctly. A filled-in price tag should hang on each type of product, the lack of price tags annoys many buyers.
Step 7
Choose the right position of the goods. Customers usually look at the center of the shelving. Products of well-known manufacturers should be placed here.