It is possible to compensate for damage when the apartment is flooded, provided that the evidence of damage to property is timely and correctly recorded. To do this, you need to draw up a special act, which will later become the main evidence in a possible trial.

If the apartment was flooded by neighbors from above, then you should adhere to a clear algorithm of actions that will allow you to receive monetary compensation for the damage caused. The first step is always the collection of a commission, which must inspect the damaged apartment and record all damage in a special act, the form of which is arbitrary. The commission is usually collected by the owner of the damaged premises; it includes neighbors, representatives of the management company, and those responsible for damage to property. The main task of the injured person is to draw up an act in which all injuries and their degree will be recorded in detail, which will allow using this document as evidence.
What to indicate in the inspection report of the damaged premises
In the act of inspection of the flooded apartment, it is necessary to record the composition of the commission, and then describe in detail all the damage that was caused to the property as a result of the incident. It is recommended to make notes about damage to the premises itself, indicating their nature and area. So, if the ceiling was damaged, then it is necessary to indicate its material, the approximate area of damage, which can be calculated using measuring instruments. The information recorded in the act should be confirmed by photographs, video filming. The damage that was caused to movable property is reflected in the same way. After drawing up the act, it must be signed by all members of the commission, including the person guilty of flooding. If the guilty neighbor refuses to sign the document or participate in the inspection, then a written notification of the time and place of the inspection should be sent to him, and the confirmation of such a direction should be retained for possible proceedings.
What to do after drawing up an act
After drawing up the act, the monetary amount of the damage caused should be determined. To do this, you can order an appraisal from a specialized company or simply repair the damaged apartment. The value of the damaged movable property is determined by checks and receipts or by the prices of similar property. Having determined the final amount of the damage caused, the neighbor should be offered to voluntarily reimburse the corresponding amount. In case of a probable refusal to satisfy such requirements, the injured owner will have to go to court, where the evidence collected at the previous stages will play a major role.