Have you decided to donate your apartment? Remember that if you want to transfer property to any person free of charge, you must correctly draw up a donation agreement. So how do you do this?

Step 1
Contact a notary for a deed of gift for an apartment. A qualified specialist will tell you the subtleties and nuances of filling out the documents correctly and will protect you from possible mistakes. Also, issuing a deed of gift from a notary is beneficial in that in case of loss or loss of documents, you can always get a certified copy of them.
Step 2
It is necessary to register a formalized deed of gift for an apartment with the Office of the Federal Registration Service (FRS). Submit a deed of gift certified by a notary and the required package of documents to the Department of the Federal Registration Service. Remember that the ownership of the apartment will pass to the donee after the end of state registration.
Step 3
Remember that the donor must prepare the following package of documents for registration of a deed of gift for his apartment:
• Civil passports or other documents proving the identity of both parties;
• Certificate of state registration of ownership of the donated apartment;
• Cadastral passport of the apartment for which the deed of gift is drawn up;
• A document confirming the donor's ownership of the apartment to be disposed of as a gift, certified by the official responsible for the registration of citizens at the place of residence;
• Contract of donation of living quarters;
• Certificate from the BTI indicating the inventory assessment of the apartment, transferred by deed;
• Consent of the trustee or guardian in the event that one of the parties is under the age of majority or is legally incompetent;
• Agreement on fiduciary execution of a deed of gift for an apartment, if the donation agreement is drawn up by a person authorized by power of attorney;
• Certificate of registered persons in the alienated donated apartment at the time of the conclusion of the donation agreement;
• The consent of the donor's spouse, certified by a notary, if the apartment transferred under the donation is joint property of the spouses.