Surely you have had situations when state authorities (their subdivisions) made decisions with which you strongly disagreed. For such cases, the law provides for the right to appeal against decisions of these bodies and officials.

Step 1
There are two procedures for appealing against decisions - administrative and judicial. Administratively, a complaint against a resolution is submitted to the person who issued it (if he is authorized to consider such complaints), or to the higher head of this administrative body. An administrative appeal does not deprive you of the right to go to court with the same issue. The judicial procedure for appeal provides for its consideration in a court session and the adoption of a court decision on it.
Step 2
Start drafting a complaint by filling in its details ("caps"). In it, indicate the name of the body (where you are sending it), your own data (last name, first name, patronymic, residence address, telephone). If a complaint is filed with a court, write below the details of the defendant (the person whose ruling you wish to appeal against).
Step 3
Then write the word "Complaint" in the middle of the line. Then go to the heart of the matter. In the text of the complaint, in any form, describe the essence of your dissatisfaction - with whom and when the decision you appealed was made, in what you see a violation of your rights. You can offer your own way out of a disputable situation.
Step 4
Attach to your complaint a copy of any evidence supporting the erroneousness of the decision made, also attach it to the document. If it is impossible to obtain evidence (for example, they are in a place inaccessible to you, but you are sure that they are there for sure), apply for their reclamation.
Step 5
At the end of your complaint, ask to have the wrongful decision reversed and your rights reinstated. Sign it yourself, put the current date. If the complaint is signed by a representative, it must be accompanied by a power of attorney confirming his authority.