If you disagree with the district court's ruling, you have the right to challenge the judge's decision. For this, there is a special procedure, the essence of which you need to know in order to increase the chances of a successful outcome of your lawsuit.

Step 1
Find out the essence of the definition of the court. It is important to understand that determining a judge is not a decision yet. The determination is given in the case when the judge decides to consider or refuse the plaintiff to study the case. Also, the court creates such documents in case of rejection of a complaint against the actions of a lower instance. For example, for a district court, this role is played by the magistrate's court.
Step 2
Observe the deadlines provided by the legal proceedings. The court ruling must be appealed no more than fifteen days after the court session. In this case, the time is counted until the moment the complaint is registered by the secretariat of a higher court. The consideration itself may be postponed by the court and for a longer period.
Step 3
Fill in a private complaint to change the court's ruling. To do this, involve a lawyer. Self-drafting of such a document is fraught with legal errors and misinterpretation of laws. The cost of a lawyer's services depends on the place of residence and the rates of a particular specialist. For example, in Moscow such a procedure with full legal support will cost you an average of 15 thousand rubles.
Step 4
Refer your complaint to a higher court. This can be a city or regional court when it comes to rural areas.
Step 5
Wait until a meeting is scheduled to address your complaint. If it is satisfied, the case will be referred to the court in which the private complaint was considered for a final decision. If your request is denied, you can go to a higher-ranking court - regional or republican.