For various purposes, organizations can hire an individual or legal entity for one-time work. To do this, it is necessary to conclude a civil law contract, attach an additional agreement to it, a specification, where to describe the names of those works that a one-time employee, a group of employees undertakes to perform.

- - documents of an individual or legal entity;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - computer;
- - pen;
- - Printer;
- - A4 paper.
Step 1
Enter into a civil law contract or a so-called one-time work contract. Give the document a serial number, date of compilation. Indicate the name of the legal entity or the last name, first name, patronymic of an individual who will act as a provider of services (work performed). Enter the last name, initials of the representative, if the contract is concluded with a legal entity, in accordance with the power of attorney, indicate its number and date. Write the name of your company in accordance with the constituent documents or the last name, first name, patronymic of an individual, if the legal form of the company is an individual entrepreneur. Your organization in the contract will act as a buyer of goods or services.
Step 2
Describe the subject of the contract, and then the terms and conditions for the delivery of services. The composition of the work performed is written in the invoice for the provision of services. Indicate in what time frame the service provider must provide an invoice for payment of the work handed over to the buyer. The supplier (contractor) provides services, and the buyer accepts.
Step 3
Be sure to include the terms and conditions of payment. Payment by the buyer of services can be made by prepayment, payment upon delivery or with a deferred payment for a certain number of banking or calendar days. Write the cost of services.
Step 4
Indicate the responsibility of the parties in case one of them fails to fulfill its obligations. Describe the force majeure, in which case neither of the parties is responsible if the deadlines for payment or submission of the necessary documents are not met. The list of force majeure circumstances is specified in the labor law.
Step 5
The last point indicates the addresses and details of each of the parties. Enter the name or surname, name, patronymic of the supplier (contractor), taxpayer identification number (if any), OKPO code, OKVED code (if it is a legal entity), address of location (residence), current account number and bank name in which the current account is opened. Enter the details of the company in the same way. Certify the contract in the appropriate field with the seal of the organization and the signature of the head of the company. On the part of the supplier, a representative of a legal entity or an individual has the right to sign.
Step 6
Attach a specification to the contract, which should indicate the names of the work that the supplier must perform and pay for the buyer, that is, your organization.