How To Control Your Time

How To Control Your Time
How To Control Your Time

Table of contents:


Our life has long been saturated with stress and information. More and more working people complain of lack of time and constant fatigue. Can you force yourself to slow down without harming your career? You can, if you learn to control your own time.

How to control your time
How to control your time


Step 1

First of all, decide on your own priorities, at least with goals and objectives for the near future - day, week, month. Determine which tasks are most important for you, which are secondary.

Step 2

Once the goals are set, you can start planning your own time. Make a to-do list, name it, for example, “today's to-do list”. Enter into it all the tasks planned for the day, really estimate how long it will take you to complete each item, add a little extra time to move from one task to another, leave a couple of minutes to relax or unwind.

Step 3

Remember, your to-do list should be realistic and allow for trade-offs. Leave for yourself as many things as you can actually do during the day. Based on the priorities you identified, cross out less important or less urgent things from the list that can be rescheduled for another time or another day. Sometimes you can say no to additional community, work or family assignments, think about how they can be postponed.

Step 4

Review your list carefully. Think about what matters you can delegate to other people, what matters your colleagues, bosses, and family members will cope with faster and better. Thus, you will be able to deal with those plans that require your direct intervention.

Step 5

Be sure to leave some time “for yourself”. Decide how you will spend your “private time”. These may be your interests, hobbies, recreation, you may want to take a walk or just “look around”.

Step 6

Make a schedule like this every day, try to plan a week and a month in advance. And, most importantly, strictly carry out the plans you have outlined, gradually crossing out the already completed cases. If we compare people who have achieved a high social position with people whose position is more modest, it turns out that both of them know about such lists. The only difference is that the former make up and execute such lists, while the latter do not find time to plan.

Step 7

And yet, if you did not manage to complete all the tasks scheduled for the day, do not be discouraged. Remember - when completing the intended task, the main thing is not victory over it, but your participation and interest in learning the correct and effective use of time.
