If work is not enjoyable, life becomes unbearable torment. After all, the lion's share of it has to be devoted to earning a livelihood. So the first condition, under which it is possible to work not as a burden, but as a joy - the work should be like it, be interesting to you, satisfy your ambitions.

ability to analyze
Step 1
You will have to start at the stage of getting your future profession. To do this, you need to constantly evaluate how interesting you are with what you have to do. Corrections can occur at any stage: the learning process itself, practice, various part-time jobs. The latter can often be in no way connected with the initially chosen field of activity, but in the end turn out to be a preferable occupation.
In general, if at some stage you realize that you are moving in the wrong direction, immediately change it: the sooner the better. There are many ways, one or the other will be optimal depending on the situation. For example, to master a new, more preferred profession in parallel with work or study.
Step 2
If there are no contraindications regarding the profession, the place of self-realization in it, that is, work, acquires no less important importance. Here you need to proceed from your characteristics and preferences and try to collect as much information as possible about the future employer: on his website, in communication with the official representatives of the company, publications about it in the press, reviews on the Internet. The latter can be found on websites, professional Internet communities, job search resources.
When it comes to the interview, do not hesitate to ask more questions about the corporate culture of the company: what is not accepted, what may be fired for, etc. The very manner of communication with you of the HR officer will tell you a lot.
If you come to the conclusion that a lot of things are absolutely unacceptable for you, look for another job.
Step 3
Not the least is the quality of your work. If you cope with your duties at the proper level, the likelihood of problems with colleagues, bosses, clients, partners and normally communicate with people with you is minimal. Although in this case they are not excluded.
But here the question arises in relation to moral and material satisfaction. If everything is in order on this part, you are guaranteed pleasure from work. If some component starts to limp, this is already a reason to think seriously.
Step 4
Here it is important to understand how critical are those moments that do not suit you, and where their root is: in the corporate culture, the specifics of work, or something else. Will suggest the correct algorithm of actions and the answer to the question of how realistic it is to eliminate the obstacle while staying in the company.
If it is positive, feel free to discuss the issue with management. Think for yourself what changes will help solve the problem, what benefit the company will get if it goes (the best argument will be that with a change in the situation the employer will benefit from you more, you will be able to work even more efficiently).
If it was not possible to find a compromise or it is obviously impossible, the only option would be to find a new job that still brings pleasure.