What Documents Are Needed For An Interview

What Documents Are Needed For An Interview
What Documents Are Needed For An Interview

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When hiring a new employee, the employer or HR specialists comprehensively assess the personality of the applicant. In order to get a complete picture of the business qualities of the future employee, an interview is conducted, and documents characterizing the candidate, confirming his experience and professional skills, are studied. What documents may be required for an interview?

What documents are needed for an interview
What documents are needed for an interview


  • - the passport;
  • - military ID;
  • - summary;
  • - autobiography;
  • - documents on education;
  • - certificates of professional development;
  • - employment history;
  • - characteristics from the previous place of work.


Step 1

Prepare a professional resume. This document should contain the basic data necessary for the employer to assess your personality, information about your education, previous work experience, inclinations and interests. Include in your resume data about your places of work, educational institutions that you graduated from. List the responsibilities that you have previously performed. It is advisable to have a resume in two copies during the interview.

Step 2

Write an autobiography. In this document, you can freely reflect data about your life path and professional experience. An autobiography is not always required, but in some cases its submission is required. This document also allows the employer to find out your level of proficiency in writing and assess the ability to express your thoughts, which is considered a professionally important quality for a number of professions.

Step 3

Attach to the package of documents a certificate of secondary education, a diploma of graduation from a university or secondary specialized educational institution. If you have had a chance to improve your qualifications, take part in training seminars and other retraining events, take with you documents confirming these facts.

Step 4

Do not forget to take your civil passport and work book for an interview. Persons liable for military service will also need a military ID. If the work book is at your current place of work, make a copy of it. Depending on the position for which you are applying, you may also need a health book, driver's license, passport or other documents of this kind. If you have work experience, stock up on a testimonial from your previous place of work.

Step 5

Make copies of any documents you bring with you to your interview. The employer may need them for a more detailed study. Get a special folder and place all prepared materials and documents into it. This will not only keep the papers in order, but also give you a more solid look in the eyes of the employer.
