How the work in the office is organized determines the productivity of its employees, who spend at least 8 hours in it every day. Organization of an office is a whole range of issues from the choice of the necessary furniture to information security, which must be resolved in order to ensure the normal work of all its employees and the company that owns it.

Step 1
Modern offices are organized according to the principle of "open space", when all employees are located in one spacious and bright work space, divided into functional areas. We advise you to invite a specialist who will help you arrange the office space, determine where and how the functional zones will be located, their types. He will also be able to organize and best place the workplaces of the head and office employees in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Together with him, you can choose the necessary furniture and furnish it not only for workplaces, but also for a recreation area, a place for meetings with clients and partners.
Step 2
Think over the issues of carrying out repair and maintenance work in the office. They will be required for computers and office equipment. Choose the service organizations with whom you will cooperate on this issue or organize your own division of your company, whose task will be to resolve this issue on your own. If you need to purchase consumables and stationery in large quantities, then decide on suppliers and discounts that they will provide you.
Step 3
Consider ways to provide managers and employees with vehicles, a travel planning system and the possibility of optimizing the use of the company fleet of vehicles. Talk to management about the maintenance and insurance of the company owned or rented vehicles.
Step 4
Solve the issue with the protection of the office and the organization of the security system. The issue of safety measures is also important, including fire safety and methods of evacuating people in case of emergency.
Step 5
With responsible specialists and the company's management, solve the issues of information security, management of internal information flows, differentiation of access and ensuring the preservation of official and commercial secrets.
Step 6
Think over the issues of office work - will they be dealt with by a separate person or department, or these responsibilities will be additionally assigned to employees of other departments. If necessary, create a system of internal and external courier communication and organize the work of couriers.
Step 7
Organize corporate meals - your own canteen or cafe, the use of third-party catering points, catering.