Working in the prosecutor's office is not easy, but honorable. And therefore, despite all the difficulties, many young lawyers make the position of the prosecutor their goal. But how do you get to work at the prosecutor's office?

Step 1
Compliance with the requirements. You need to collect all the documents: a medical certificate, a certificate of no criminal record and mental illness, a copy of your passport. You will hardly be able to get a job in the prosecutor's office without a higher education. Moreover, it is desirable to get an education in a good university. Preference is given to graduates with a relevant profile. If we are talking about the military prosecutor's office, then military service or passing the military department becomes a mandatory requirement. Successful work in the prosecutor's office requires deep knowledge in the field of criminal law, criminal procedure, forensic science. You cannot do without such personal qualities as responsibility, decency, self-discipline.
Step 2
Interview. If you have definitely decided that work in the prosecutor's office is for you, contact the personnel department of the department in which you want to get a job. Prepare to pass interviews, most of the questions will relate to knowledge of the Criminal Code. Another test is psychological tests. Candidates who have successfully passed the interview and tests are taken to the reserve until there is an empty seat.
Step 3
Work in the prosecutor's office as a volunteer assistant. Be prepared for the fact that you are not the only applicant on the waiting list, and it may take a very long time to wait for the desired place. You can earn a certain advantage for yourself by getting a job in the prosecutor's office as a volunteer assistant. This work is not paid and involves daily employment, but you can gain invaluable experience and see the work in the prosecutor's office from the inside. After some time, having achieved at least a little success, you can ask the manager for a written request for you to be accepted into the state.