How To Take A Photo In The Moscow Metro

How To Take A Photo In The Moscow Metro
How To Take A Photo In The Moscow Metro

What does the law say? Knowledge of the law will help everyone. How to take a cute selfie and not be at the police station? The architecture of the Moscow metro just demands attention!

Moscow Metro
Moscow Metro

What does the law say?

By the Rules for the Use of the Moscow Metro, approved by the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 844-PP of September 16, 2008, video and filming is prohibited without the written permission of the metro management (clause 2.11.13). Filming of video material is made on a contractual basis, remuneration is made according to the prices fixed in the rules. An agreement is concluded, payment is made by bank transfer. News clips for placement on television or in print media are allowed without paying any fee, this is agreed in advance. To obtain permission for a photo session, you must send a request to the head of the metro on the organization's letterhead. It is reviewed in 2-4 business days. For a photo session for the purpose of scientific activity, an official letter from your educational institution, certified by the signature of the rector, is sent. Fines for filming without presenting permits are substantial, so it's better to spend a little time on organizational issues, it will be much cheaper.

Can an ordinary person take a photo?

You can take a picture in the subway, there is no direct prohibition in the charter of underground electric transport if you do not have lighting fixtures, decorations and other film equipment with you. The architecture of Moscow is beautiful in all its manifestations, and even vehicles are extraordinarily beautiful and attract the attention of tourists and passers-by. And how not to capture this splendor! You can shoot with your smartphone or even a professional camera, the main thing is that it is amateur photography, which is not of a commercial nature. Of course, you should not take pictures of communications, technical details, this will attract the attention of the security officers, even worse, you will be suspected of terrorism.

Why do you still need to give up photography in the subway?

  • The metro is a place where a large number of people gather, and it is there that terrorist attacks most often occur.
  • The subway is a public transport, the human traffic is enormous and you can be swept off your feet or crushed. Taking pictures on the platform, you can stumble and fall under the electric train. Unfortunately, there are a lot of examples.
  • Any camera has a flash, and it is this camera that can interfere with the train driver if it blinds him. Bright light, again, can cause it to fall onto the tracks.

The safety of others should be paramount. When taking a cute selfie, make sure you don't disturb anyone. To prevent the inevitable from happening.
