Concessionary travel is government assistance to certain categories of people who, for one reason or another, cannot pay for travel on their own. Discount travel usually applies not only to public transport, but also to intercity transport. Many people do not even know that they can count on free transport or discounts, believing that such a prerogative is reserved only for pensioners and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. In fact, the list of transport benefit recipients is much wider.

Concessionary travel in transport allows many categories of citizens to save on travel. And this quite often turns out to be a necessary measure, because ticket prices are steadily rising, and pensions, salaries and benefits are struggling to keep up with the changes.
So, the category of beneficiaries who can travel free of charge on transport include:
- Heroes of the Soviet Union;
- full holders of the Order of Labor Glory;
- Heroes of the Russian Federation;
- Heroes of Socialist Labor;
- full holders of the Order of Glory;
- veterans and invalids of the Second World War;
- honorary citizens of the city.
It should be borne in mind that due to the age of many beneficiaries, there are already as many as can be counted on one hand. Therefore, there are such people in public transport infrequently.
Also, the category of beneficiaries includes people who took part in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, those who became disabled at the time of participation in hostilities to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation.
In addition, children under the age of 7 (on trains up to 5 years old) and orphans who are pupils of boarding schools are transported free of charge.
Also, disabled people of groups 1-2, disabled children travel for free in transport (for free long-distance travel to the place of treatment, they need a referral from the attending physician). The list includes retirees, students from large families, widows, parents, children of participants in the hostilities for the country's sovereignty, military personnel, those who were subjected to political repression.
Discounts on travel in the amount of half of the ticket price can be received by full-time students, schoolchildren during the academic period, persons accompanying a disabled person to the place of treatment.
It should be borne in mind that reduced fare is granted only on the basis of certain documents and is nominal. That is, if someone uses the documents of the beneficiary for free travel in transport, he will violate the law and be subject to court. Responsibility, however, for such an act is provided for administrative, not criminal. But the fine issued by the court will be quite real and materially tangible.
They usually issue preferential documents in certain bodies - social protection, special departments for city transport, etc. It is advisable to ask in advance where you can get such a benefit and then come for it with a passport and supporting documents.
By the way, in transport it is also necessary, along with a preferential travel pass or card, to present a document granting the right to benefits - a pension certificate, a certificate of a participant in hostilities, etc. Without such papers, the privilege will be considered invalid and the fare will have to be paid additionally.