How To Pay A Fine

How To Pay A Fine
How To Pay A Fine

The administrative fine is paid by the offender on his own using the services of credit institutions, payment agents. At the same time, it is important to comply with the deadline for paying the administrative fine and keep payment documents.

How to pay a fine
How to pay a fine

Administrative fines are imposed on citizens for offenses in different areas, but the procedure for executing this type of punishment is identical in all cases. The most important parameter for the payer is the period for voluntary payment of the fine, which is sixty days from the date of entry into force of the decree that was assigned this type of liability. The only exception is provided for violations for which expulsion is imposed on foreigners, since in this case the fine will have to be paid the next day after its appointment.

It is important to take into account that the sixty-day period for voluntary payment of the fine is counted from the moment the order enters into force (10 days after the issuance).

Methods for paying the fine

The offender can make the required amount in any bank, such payments are made in each branch of credit institutions. In addition, you can use postal money orders, services of other payment agents. In particular, penalties can now be paid in electronic payment systems, numerous ATMs and payment terminals.

One of the easiest ways to pay a fine is to use a personal account in a credit institution's Internet bank. This opportunity is provided by all major banks.

What to do after paying the fine?

After the required amount has been paid, information about the payment made is transferred to a unified information system, and the offender is considered to have complied with the order voluntarily. A credit institution or another paying agent shall be obliged to independently send information about the payment of a fine to a unified information system. Just in case, you should keep payment documents that may be required to confirm the date of the transfer, the amount of funds paid.

Delay in the period of voluntary execution of this punishment should be avoided, since failure to pay an administrative fine is an independent violation that entails bringing to responsibility. In addition, enforcement proceedings will be initiated against the debtor, which will entail additional costs and troubles. In particular, in addition to financial responsibility, a punishment in the form of arrest may be imposed, which will force him to spend several days in an isolation ward.
