It is not so easy to obtain German citizenship today. After all, it is not enough to live on its territory for 8 years, speak German, have a stable income and not be convicted, you still need to be tested for knowledge of culture, history and the system of politics.

To begin with, those wishing to become legal German citizens should submit a special application, for this you will need to take a form on the website of the migration office or in the prefecture. Each family member, including children, will have to fill out an application (legal representatives fill out the document for minors). After submitting the application, you will need to pay a fee, which will differ in cost: less for children, and more for adults. It is worth noting that the duty can be reduced if there are many children in the family or the applicant is poor.
The application form is quite voluminous and contains a lot of personal questions. So, you will have to tell what political and religious beliefs you adhere to, what you are fond of, how much money you want to earn, explain why you chose Germany as your place of residence and why you do not live on as I see it.
After submitting the application, which was perhaps the easiest step, you need to be considered, and for this you will need to fulfill certain conditions.
So, those wishing to live in Germany must have a visa, preferably an indefinite one. Otherwise, you must first clarify at the consulate about the additional conditions for obtaining citizenship in relation to your type of visa.
Continuous residence in Germany for 8 years, as mentioned above, is also mandatory. The next condition is that the applicant has a steady income and does not receive unemployment benefits. In this case, there is no need to work with the whole family. So, the husband can receive income, and the wife can stay at home, doing housework or children, and both of them can obtain citizenship. This is called cumulative review of the application.
You will have to pass a charming test for the level of proficiency in the language of the host country. After that, you must renounce the citizenship of the country of origin, and if you arrived in Germany not from your native state, you need to provide a document confirming the lack of citizenship or residence permit in the country from which you entered.
There is no need to renounce existing Russian citizenship for those who enter countries to reunite with their families or are restoring their historical roots. In addition to the simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship, such categories will also be provided with measures of social support.
Review of documents
When considering a package of documents, employees of the German migration department determine not only their authenticity and actual compliance, but also make a verdict whether the country needs a new citizen with such education, specialty, habits, lifestyle and goals.
The process of obtaining citizenship in Germany takes about a year.
In case of a positive consideration of the application, a special paper is issued, which guarantees the receipt of citizenship. With a certified package of documents and a guarantee, you need to contact the consulate and wait for the registration of admission to citizenship.