How To Get Acquainted With The Minutes Of The Court Session

How To Get Acquainted With The Minutes Of The Court Session
How To Get Acquainted With The Minutes Of The Court Session

The minutes of court sessions in civil and criminal cases are made within three days from the end of the sessions themselves. At the same time, the participants in the process, the parties, have the right to familiarize themselves with the indicated protocols after their preparation, to submit their own comments.

How to get acquainted with the minutes of the court session
How to get acquainted with the minutes of the court session

Any court session in a civil or criminal case is accompanied by the keeping of a protocol, in which all procedural actions, explanations of the participants in the process, and other necessary information are entered. But in full, these minutes are made within three days from the end of the relevant meeting. Interested persons have the right to submit a petition to the judge for familiarization with the protocol. In civil proceedings, such a petition can be submitted at any time, however, the term for filing comments on the protocol is limited to five days from the moment of its signing. In criminal proceedings, a petition for familiarization with the protocol should be submitted within three days from the end of the court session, although if this period is missed for valid reasons, interested persons may ask to restore it.

What should I do if I find inaccuracies in the protocol?

If a party to the civil process or a participant in the criminal process discovers errors or inaccuracies in the protocol after reading it, they can submit comments on this document. The judge shall consider these remarks alone, if necessary, making changes and clarifications to the protocol. If the consideration of comments without the participation of the parties is impossible (for example, any clarifications are required), then the participants in the process can also be summoned to resolve the issue of making changes to the protocol. The deadline for submitting comments on the protocol is counted from the moment of acquaintance with it; if there are valid reasons and the request of the interested party, this deadline can also be restored.

How to get acquainted with the protocol on an administrative case?

If a participant in an administrative offense case expresses an intention to familiarize himself with the protocol of the court session, then he should take into account that the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not provide for the mandatory keeping of a protocol in this type of process. The only exception is the consideration of the case by a collegial administrative body or by the composition of the court. If the minutes are nevertheless kept, then the person concerned can submit a request to familiarize themselves with it, however, in this case, the filing of comments on the minutes is not provided. All objections, clarifications and remarks can be expressed by a participant in the proceedings in a complaint against the final decision on an administrative case.
