There are situations when there is a signature behind the price of the question. A personal signature is a certain set of graphic symbols that identify a particular individual. And how to protect yourself from situations with documents containing an inappropriate (fake) signature? If you are not a specialist in the field of graphology, you can protect yourself in terms of detecting technical forgery of a signature.

Light source: daylight, directional light (such as a pointer or spotlight), table lamp, if available, UV light. Microscope or magnifier
Step 1
If you have come across this signature before, take a closer look to see if it is similar in configuration to the previously encountered in a specific document. The composition of the signature itself is taken into account (these are all symbols and signs contained in the signature).
Step 2
If you find any sign, in your opinion, indicating a forgery of a signature, refrain from signing a dubious document until a detailed study of the signature.
Step 3
Pay particular attention to the writing of the hotel strokes and signs. Rectilinear signs should not have tortuosity. Rounded elements, respectively, should not have angular and rectilinear strokes. The size of letters (characters) also matters. Lowercase characters should be approximately the same height. Do not ignore the degree of pressure of the writing object (for example, the refill of a ballpoint pen). The pressure should be even throughout the entire signature. Also, there should be no unreasonable stops and interruptions of strokes in signs (for example, gaps in the writing of one logical element, sign, stroke). The presence of the above-described signs may indicate unusual conditions for the execution of a signature (non-standard position of a document or writing object, an uncomfortable position of the writer, an unusual state of the performer in a state of nervous excitement, illness, or other reasons that affect the usual conditions for the execution of a signature). Also, these signs can be a harbinger of signature forgery.
Step 4
Next, examine the signature on the document under different light sources at different angles in relation to the light. So, when making a signature on the depressed strokes, in oblique light you should find relief strokes that are not painted with dye. When you perform a signature on previously prepared strokes (for example, a stroke on a pencil, tracing paper, etc.), you will find that the strokes are duplicated. Under ultraviolet light, you will see a different color of the dye strokes in different areas. When translating a signature through glass or from a monitor screen, signature strokes will be twisting, movements are not sure.
Step 5
If possible, examine the visually detected signs of a forgery of a signature under a microscope or magnifying glass.
Step 6
If you are convinced that the signature is a forgery, then contact the appropriate specialists in identifying the logical and technical forgery of the signature. To put it simply, apply for the appointment of an examination in order to ascertain the authenticity of the signature of interest.