In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the number of working hours per week should not exceed 40. However, employees have the right to work overtime at their own request. Processing fees are calculated in a special order.

Step 1
Read article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to clarify the procedure for calculating salaries for processing. Calculate overtime hours according to the difference between the actual hours worked and the employee's additional hours. In the event of irregular working hours, the employee also receives additional paid leave.
Step 2
Calculate the cost of one working hour in the billing period to pay for employee overtime. Divide the salary by the number of working hours in the current billing period, and then multiply the resulting value by the number of additional hours. Multiply the resulting number by two. Add this value to the salary, not forgetting to take into account the regional coefficient and the premium, subtract 13% and the advance, if it has already been issued. The result will be the employee's salary for the current month.
Step 3
An employee can express in writing a desire to receive an additional day off instead of double payment. In this case, all recycling hours must be calculated at a single rate. For salary earners, calculate the amount per working hour in this way, multiplying by the hours worked. Add the resulting value to the salary, regional coefficient and bonus. Subtract income tax and advance if it has already been issued.
Step 4
Calculate overtime for an employee at an hourly rate. To do this, multiply the tariff rate by the processed hours, calculate separately the payment for the hours of work according to the schedule in the billing period, add the bonus, the regional coefficient and subtract the advance.