After the loss of a work book, one kilometer-long queues, certificates, photocopies, stamps and a bunch of other bureaucratic red tape immediately come to mind. But you can save the most precious thing you have - your time.

Step 1
The first thing you need to do is notify your employer. He is obliged, within a period of no more than 15 days after you wrote a statement about the loss of employment, to write you a full-fledged duplicate. This duplicate must include all information about your work experience, both in this organization and at all previous places of work. The employer has the right to describe in general terms your seniority, that is, not to indicate all your movements up the career ladder. The main thing is that your experience is confirmed by the relevant documents. Therefore, advice for the future: make it a rule to treat documents carefully. Do not discard old contracts and agreements from your previous duty stations. All officially confirmed and registered documents will be used: certificates, salary statements, trade union card or trade union card, payment card and other official papers. Also, all information about awards and incentives is entered into the duplicate of the work book, but only those written out to you at the last place of work.
Step 2
What if you get a job again, but you do not have a work book? In this case, in accordance with federal law No. 90-fz, a new employer is obliged to issue you a new labor. Registration should be based on your written statement, where you should indicate the reason for the absence of a work record book (loss, damage, theft or other reason). And so that you are not tempted to ask the new employer to make a fictitious entry for you, you should know that, by law, such entries can only be made in a duplicate of the old work book. Therefore, such an entry in the new labor book will simply be invalid.
Step 3
There is another option. If you do not have any documents left from previous jobs, then you can contact the pension fund, since 2002 insurance premiums are deducted there for each employee at the enterprise.
Step 4
If none of the above suits you, then one thing remains: go to all the places where you once worked. Each organization has data on employees for the past 75 years. If the enterprise no longer exists, you will have to contact the city archive.