The law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" gives this department a wide range of powers to supervise compliance with legislation in almost all areas of our life. The objects of supervision can be the activities of any legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, government agencies, etc.

Step 1
In cases when you become aware of the facts of violation of the rights, freedoms and interests of a person and a citizen or the interests of society and the state, protected by law, you have the right to contact the prosecutor of the corresponding region, city, etc. And the employees of the prosecutor's office, in turn, are obliged to check the information you provided and take all measures within their competence to eliminate violations.
Step 2
No law establishes requirements for the form and content of such an appeal (except, of course, that it should not contain information of a defamatory nature, obscene language, etc.), therefore it is drawn up in any form. When writing a letter to the prosecutor's office, use the following guidelines.
Step 3
As required by the rules of a business letter, in the upper right corner of your appeal, indicate the name of the prosecutor's office, as well as the position and name of its head. As a rule, written requests are sent to the name of an official, who will then appoint specific performers responsible for conducting an audit of your request. Enter your details here (name and place of residence).
Step 4
Below, in the middle of the line, there is an appeal: "Dear, Ivan Ivanovich!" Directly in the text of the letter indicate: who and how violated your rights and interests or the rights and interests of others, state all the information about the facts of violation of the law that you deem necessary. For example, “I am the owner of apartment number 33, building 56, located on st. Ignatyuk, Izhevsk. In violation of the legislation on the provision of public services by OJSC "Montazh-stroy", serving our house, has stopped supplying hot water in the period from 10.08.11 to the present. The employees of this organization do not respond to my written and oral requests."
Step 5
In conclusion, state your request and make a reference to the law on the prosecutor's office: “guided by Art. 10 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" dated 01.17.1992, No. 2202-1, I ask you to check the fact of the termination of hot water supply and take measures to eliminate the violation of my rights and legitimate interests."
Step 6
At the very bottom, put your signature and date, indicate your contact phone number. The letter can be handed over to the office of the prosecutor's office, sent by mail or handed over to the head at a personal appointment.