It would seem that it is quite difficult to lose a residence permit, because usually we do not lose it, but we change it. However, it is not so rare that, due to various life circumstances, and sometimes simply due to someone's malicious intent, a person is left without a registration. How to act in such a seemingly hopeless situation?

Step 1
There are two options for action.
In the event that the extract from the living space was mistaken, or the circumstances changed in such a way that you could not change the registration to another, and you were no longer registered at the old place of registration, you can simply re-register. This is possible when all the tenants of the apartment are ready to confirm in writing their consent to your registration in the apartment. Obviously, this solution is not applicable in all possible situations.
Step 2
If the consent of the tenants for re-registration cannot be obtained, or if the extract was carried out fraudulently, without your knowledge, you must go to court.
Step 3
For such an appeal, you will need to collect all the confirmations and justifications of your right to residence in the disputed living space, which you can. If we are talking about an extract as a result of an unscrupulous transaction for the purchase / sale of housing - prepare an agreement, receipts, other written obligations, enlist the support of reliable witnesses of the transaction and its consequences. If the statement was made without your consent, you will need to prove this fact.
Step 4
Most often, such situations arise when you do not live at the place of registration: a child who lives with one parent can be discharged, but is registered with another, naturally in an illegal way; they are also often deprived of their registration in places of deprivation of liberty, which also runs counter to the current legislation; You can find yourself without a registration if you live or work abroad or just in another city for a long time. There are many options, the solution to the problem is one - to defend your rights in court. If there is supporting evidence, the court will take your side and reinstate your registration in the disputed living space.