There is a special migration associated with the implementation of work on the territory of the state, a citizen of which, in fact, the migrant person is not at all. All cases concerning such movements, as a rule, are resolved by local migration services that have a federal level, they are in charge of all issues of registration and the issuance of cherished labor permits for all types of work in the country, Russia in this case is also no exception.

It should be noted that today, obtaining a notorious work permit by a foreigner on the territory of the Russian Federation is associated with a number of various difficulties. Difficulties for labor migrants are associated with the minimum deadlines for submitting an impressive list of necessary documents, quotas and space limits for non-residents of the country in various sectors of the national economy established at the highest level, for example, in the highly demanded retail trade of certain goods.
Documents from a foreign citizen
Any migrant in the field of labor relations should register for migration within three days from the moment of crossing the border, and then go to the FMS at the place of registration for one of two types of documents:
- work permits
- patent.
A work permit gives the right to work with a legal entity (an enterprise of any form of ownership), while the organization accepting a foreigner is obliged to issue a permit to attract foreign labor, justifying the need - after all, there are local residents who can work.
The patent gives the right to work for a migrant for a private person
The very process of documenting a newcomer can take several weeks and will differ for residents of far and near abroad. The applicant for a job must be presented
- original migration card, - "working" registration at the current moment, - a number of important medical certificates indicating the absence of a whole list of very dangerous and unwanted diseases (certificate), - a receipt for payment of public services, - photo 3х4.
The positive outcome of the case will depend on the decision of the relevant services about the demand for this specialist or whether the employer who invited him has all the necessary permits to attract labor.
Employer's actions
A structure that decides to use the services of foreigners is obliged to issue both invitations and visas, to go through all types of registration with the local authorities of the Federal Migration Service of Russia. After successfully obtaining a permit, a citizen of the country can proceed to the formalization of labor relations or contracts.
If a foreigner plans to work for private individuals, for example, to look after the garden or walk the dogs, he is obliged to buy a patent and conclude an agreement with the future employer. This is the simplest scheme for employing a foreigner in Russia, but you need to understand that if the rules are violated, the FMS will impose very impressive fines on both the employer and the migrant.