Divorce, unfortunately, is quite common among spouses. There can be a great variety of reasons, and there is always one way out - all the same doors of the registry office, but with a diametrically opposite target setting.

To register the divorce procedure, you will need the following documents: a marriage certificate, as well as a birth certificate for children. This is the minimum package of documents in order to file a divorce, both in the registry office and in court. In cases where, along with the statement of claim, claims for alimony payments are filed, then the following documents must also be attached to the application: certificates of forms No. 7, 9, a certificate of income of the parent (form 2-NDFL) with whom the child lives. When demanding the division of jointly acquired property, the following documents are attached to the statement of claim: certificate of ownership, various sales receipts, documents for equipment, warranty coupons. In the statement of claim, you must indicate the entire list of property that the spouses acquired during their cohabitation, indicating its value and date of acquisition. The claim must be accompanied by a copy of the statement of claim for the defendant and the original receipt for payment of the state fee in the amount of approximately 200 rubles. In the event that the claim specifies a requirement for the division of property, the duty is calculated from the price of the claim - from the amount of the property that the plaintiff requires to transfer to him. If you did not manage to divorce peacefully, then after all the necessary documents have been collected, a month later from the moment of filing the application, a court hearing should take place on the date, place and time of which you will be surely informed by a summons. During this meeting, you will be asked various questions, approximately of the following nature: what exactly caused your discord, who is to blame for this, and whether ways of reconciliation are possible. Based on the answers to them, the court will have to decide to dissolve your marriage immediately or give some time to think.