How To Fix A Birth Certificate

How To Fix A Birth Certificate
How To Fix A Birth Certificate

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The first document that a child receives is a birth certificate. This document accompanies us all our lives. A passport is also issued on the basis of a birth certificate. Life situations require the safety of this document. But what to do if your birth certificate contains inaccuracies, if you need to change your last name, first name or patronymic? It is necessary to contact the registry office and correct the entries in the document.

How to fix a birth certificate
How to fix a birth certificate


Passport, birth certificate, receipt from the bank - payment of the duty to replace the birth certificate


Step 1

All your actions to correct your birth certificate must take place in accordance with Section 70 of the Civil Status Act.

Step 2

If your birth certificate suddenly becomes unusable (it was washed in the washing machine or it was torn), then you need to contact the registry office at the place of registration. There you write a statement and pay the appropriate fee at the bank. The registry office will give you a new copy of the damaged document.

Step 3

If you need to change the name, surname or full name in the birth certificate, then your actions should be similar to the situation described above: take a receipt from the registry office, pay it at the bank (about 500 rubles) and write a corresponding statement to the registry office.

Step 4

If you need to change the name of your father or mother in the birth certificate, then you need to contact the registry office that issued this document to you. If there are no errors in the civil registration book, then you will receive a new birth certificate without problems. If there is no correct entry in this book, then you need to apply to the court at your place of residence with a statement to amend the documents of the registry office.

Step 5

The most difficult option is if you need to put a dash in the birth certificate instead of the father's full name. This correction is done through the court of your place of residence. The basis for such a correction in the birth certificate is either the consent of the father, or the deprivation of his parental rights, or the statement of the father that he is not a father. This issue usually takes a long time to resolve.

Step 6

Whatever your reason for changing your birth certificate, follow the law. Check the documents received at the registry office. Check every little thing on the birth certificate of the children. By doing this, you save them from possible problems.
