How To Register In The Hostel

How To Register In The Hostel
How To Register In The Hostel

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The procedure for registering in a hostel depends on whether the room you want to register is privatized. In other cases, the basis for registration may be the consent of the owner (of the organization on the balance sheet of which the hostel is located) or a social rental agreement if the hostel belongs to the city.

How to register in the hostel
How to register in the hostel


Step 1

If the room is privatized, the scenario depends on who the owner is: you or another person. If you are, the certificate of ownership of the room will serve as the basis. If not, an application for the provision of living space to you when living in the room of only the owner (if he is registered in the room alone) or an agreement for the free use of the living space, signed not only by you and the owner, but also by everyone who is registered in the room.

This document must be certified by a notary or the commandant of the hostel or another person performing the functions of a passport officer.

Step 2

When you move into a non-privatized dorm room, which is on the balance sheet of a legal entity or is wholly owned by it, the application must come from the owner, or a contract for the use of the living space must be concluded between him and you.

In this case, the signature of the representative of the owner or asset holder is certified by his seal.

Step 3

When moving into a hostel, which is on the balance sheet of a municipality or state structure, a social employment contract is usually concluded, which serves as the basis for registration at the place of residence.

Step 4

Along with the basis for registration, a standard package of documents must be submitted: an application for registration (can be downloaded on the portal of public services, taken from the FMS department, from the commandant of the hostel or from the passport office of the housing office, if he deals with issues of registration in a particular hostel), a passport and, if available departure sheet.

If you have not discharged from your previous place of residence, fill out the appropriate part of the registration application.

A passport with a residence permit stamp must be issued to you within three days after the documents are received.
