Privatization of housing is the free transfer of premises from state or municipal funds to private ownership. Premises registered under a social rental agreement, as well as state or other municipal housing, can be privatized in accordance with the RF Law No. 1541-1 of 04.07.1991 "On the privatization of the housing stock in the RF".

- - technical passport of the premises;
- - passports of residents registered in the apartment;
- - social employment contract.
Step 1
Gather all the required documents from the list below:
- form 9 certificate in duplicate;
- help form 7;
- technical passport for the apartment in triplicate;
- extract from the state cadastre;
- explication of the apartment;
- passports of citizens registered in the apartment and their photocopies (first two pages and registration);
- birth certificates of children under 18 years of age (in duplicate);
- social employment contract;
- two copies of the order;
- if the order was received after 1998, provide a copy of the order on the basis of which the new order was received;
- if the place of residence has changed after 1992, submit a Form 9 certificate for each place of residence in duplicate and a certificate stating that no privatization was carried out earlier;
- if there is a reservation for the room, prepare a certificate of form 9 of the certificate of protection from 1992 and a certificate stating that the property was not previously privatized;
- refusal to privatize one of the residents, if any, certified by a notary;
- power of attorney from persons interested in privatization (who could not appear in person) certified by a notary and its photocopy;
- a document on the change of passport data (if they do not correspond to the data specified in the order) in duplicate;
- if one of the registered people died after 2000, a death certificate will be required;
- a paid receipt for registering the privatization right.
Step 2
If you decide to complete the privatization yourself, then after the entire package of documents has been collected, go to the Department of Housing Policy in the Privatization Department to submit the documents.
Step 3
Submit your documents and wait for confirmation of privatization from the Department of Housing Policy. The privatization process usually takes three to five months.
Step 4
Get already registered with the UFRS: a certificate of registration of rights, an agreement for the transfer of an apartment and an application for privatization.