The realtor swears and swears that no one is registered in the apartment you are buying, but are you afraid to take his word for it? Do not need. There are several simple ways to check if this is actually the case.

Step 1
If the seller and his family claim that they have been discharged from the apartment, ask them first to show you documents confirming the veracity of their words. However, be careful: now you can fake any document, so double-check the information that the apartment is free through the passport office, the police and the address and information office.
Step 2
If the seller is still registered at the place of residence, but assures you that he has somewhere to check out, do not enter into a deal until he actually leaves. Even if he showed you certificate FNo.6 (departure sheet), you should not trust such a document, especially if it was issued in another subject of the Russian Federation. Firstly, it is very easy to fake it, and secondly, the police in your region may not make a request for this fact. In addition, if there are several sellers, one of them can change his mind at any time and withdraw his consent to the sale.
Step 3
If the seller has nowhere to check out, since he is making a double purchase and sale transaction (he sells an apartment in order to buy another one and register there), you will have to take his word for it.
Step 4
If the sellers do not intend to register anywhere for any reason, you will have to buy an illiquid house in the same or another region of the Russian Federation in order to relocate the tenants there, since otherwise the transaction will be invalidated at any time.
Step 5
If sellers leave after a deal for permanent residence abroad, be extremely careful. If later it turns out that the sellers did not manage to get a job abroad, and they return to Russia, the court may subsequently decide on bilateral restitution (money for you, an apartment for them). Therefore, ask them to register first with relatives in Russia and only then conclude a deal.
Step 6
In any case, even if on the part of the seller all the documents are in order, check with the police if he has any relatives who are currently in prison or abroad, who were once registered in this living space. On their claims, the court can at any time recognize the transaction as illegal.