The increased number of fraudsters and fly-by-night firms are forcing business leaders to be extremely careful when making deals. To check the trustworthiness of a potential partner, you can use several methods. Choose the option that suits you best and conduct all your transactions risk-free.

Step 1
Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service. Select the region and city of registration of the company you are interested in. After that, enter the legal address of the company in the window that opens. A page with a list of enterprises will open in front of you. If the company is a dummy, then more than one company is registered at the specified address, or the company is not at all listed in the database. If the company you are interested in is actually registered at the specified address, then everything is fine.
Step 2
Use the regional Internet resource of the Federal Tax Service and check all kinds of blacklists. In these sections, you can view a list of shell companies, companies that have not submitted their reports and have not paid taxes. However, this verification method cannot be considered completely reliable, since it is not known how often the database is updated.
Step 3
You can contact your local tax office and request an extract from the government register. However, this service will cost you 200 rubles. The FTS will provide you with the information of interest within 5 days. If the accuracy of the data provided to you by a potential partner needs to be obtained faster, make an urgent request. Information will be provided the next day, but you will have to pay 400 rubles.
Step 4
Go to a commercial reference agency that works with the Federal Tax Service and make a request for verification. The addresses of these companies can be found on the official website of the tax service. The cost of the service varies from 400 to 800 rubles. Data can be provided within 20 minutes.
Step 5
Contact your local police department and make a request to verify the director of the organization on the list of persons who are not eligible for leadership positions. This service costs 100 rubles and is provided within 5 days.
Step 6
Ask your potential partner to provide you with copies of incorporation documents. The company's charter, data on registration and registration are considered public documents and do not constitute any commercial secret. Refusal to provide information should alert you.